Collection of fusion models for tabular-tabular fusion.
Activation-function fusion model for tabular data. |
Using activation functions to fuse tabular data, with self-attention on the second tabular modality. |
Attention weighted GNN model: the edge weights are the attention weights from a pre-trained MLP and the node features are the second modality. |
Channel-wise multiplication fusion model for tabular data. |
Concatenating the two tabular modalities at the data-level (early fusion) |
Concatenating the feature maps of the two tabular modalities. |
Crossmodal multi-head attention for tabular data. |
Decision fusion of two types of tabular data. |
Edge correlation GNN model: edges are weighted by the correlation between the nodes' first tabular modality features. |
This module implements the MCVAE (multi-channel variational autoencoder) model for fusing two types of tabular data. |